DocuSign eSignature is the world’s #1 way to send and sign agreements securely from virtually any device, anywhere, at any time. DocuSign enables people around the world to electronically sign documents, approvals, and agreements—on any device, in any time zone.

DocuSign is more than just eSignatures, it enables fully digital workflows that save money, increase efficiency, and move business forward. Discover the possibilities of DocuSign and optimize the productivity of your customers with the electronic signature solution chosen by hundreds of millions of users.

Become a Partner

The advantages of DocuSign eSignature

The DocuSign electronic signature speeds up agreements, eliminates manual tasks, and makes it easier to interconnect with the tools and systems you already use.

Do Business Faster

Send and sign agreements securely from virtually any device. Up to 82% of deals are made in less than a day and 49% in less than 15 minutes.

Be more efficient

DocuSign eSignature eliminates manual tasks and simplifies processes for your customers and teams.

Reduce Costs

DocuSign eSignature saves an average of 33 euros per agreement by reducing operating costs and improving the productivity of your teams.

DocuSign Features

DocuSign eSignature handles the most demanding customer requirements, delivering an experience simple enough for practically anyone to adopt. Learn how DocuSign eSignature can help you transform your customers business.

Sign from anywhere

Our highly-rated mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows let you work on the go—even when you don’t have internet access.

Instant status visibility

Always know where your agreement is in the signing process. Set automatic reminders and receive notifications at every step.

Collect the details you need

Add standard fields to your agreement like a signature or date, or create and save custom fields.

Support for 43 languages

DocuSign offers users the ability to sign documents in 43 localized languages and to send in 13.

Reusable templates

Save time and standardize processes by storing frequently used agreements along with their custom fields, recipient routing, and other settings.

350+ integrations, leading APIs

Integrate and connect eSignature with the systems and tools you already use.

Highly secure

DocuSign meets some of the most stringent US, EU, and global security standards, and uses the strongest data encryption technologies available.

Industry-leading availability

DocuSign’s eSignature infrastructure has enabled us to deliver over 99.99% platform availability worldwide for the last 24 months.

Lawful and court-admissible

DocuSign eSignature complies with the U.S. ESIGN Act and UETA, as well as the EU eIDAS Regulation. We automatically generate and store a robust audit trail for every agreement.

What benefits do you get as a DocuSign Channel Partner with Ingram Micro?

Modernize your customers’ system of agreement. Ingram Micro is here to help you be successful, whether you build technology, resell, refer or service DocuSign solutions.


DocuSign’s margin is higher than similar high-volume cloud products—helping to lift your overall profits.

Business Value

Enhance the value you offer to IT departments and lines of business including Sales, HR, Legal and Procurement.


DocuSign already integrates with the most-recognized platforms in the tech industry.

Ready for becoming a DocuSign partner?